
Hemispherical Stacks: On Multipolar Geopolitics and Planetary-Scale Computation

On April 27, 2023, the 21st Berggruen Seminar was convened at
Tsinghua University, titled “Hemispherical Stacks: On Multipolar Geopolitics and Planetary-Scale Computation,” featuring Benjamin Bratton, a distinguished scholar in the philosophy of technology and the Director of the Antikythera program at the Berggruen Institute.

Bratton initiated the seminar by shedding light on the term “planetary
computation.” He underscored that this concept is not solely a human invention; rather, it’s a human discovery tied inextricably to our broader planetary condition. He challenged the audience to consider computation beyond mathematical frameworks and view it as an aspect of how intelligence relates to its environmental context. The aim, according to Bratton, is to invent new ideas that can better articulate the reality of our current technology and its implications.

Exploring the historical context, Bratton drew parallels between ancient
computational tools like the Sumerian tablet and the Antikythera mechanism and the current global computation infrastructure. In a profound observation, he compared the Event Horizon Telescope, which constructed the black hole image, to the Antikythera mechanism. He emphasized that both, despite the temporal and technological gap, are tools for sensing and interpreting data.

Moving forward, Bratton discussed the purpose of planetary computation, highlighting its pivotal role in climate science. He noted that
computation isn’t merely a tool to be governed by states or governments, but it is increasingly playing a role in governance itself. This led to an intriguing discussion on synthetic intelligence (AI). Bratton posited that we might have exhausted our current conceptual frameworks for explaining AI, and urged the audience to maintain an open-minded perspective on what AI truly is. Referring to examples such as AlphaGo, he purported that “AI…is not intelligence in some Kantian sense of intelligence, it is intelligence in some way that we still don’t have a word for.”

The seminar then delved into geopolitics, particularly how planetary-
scale computation is distorting political geography. Bratton discussed the
concept of “Hemispherical Stacks,” a term that encapsulates how planetary computation is mediating and manifesting governance. He suggested that the multi-polarization of geopolitics is inextricably linked to the multi-polarization of planetary computation. Bratton also touched upon the contentious topic of “sovereign data,” where state sovereignty is increasingly derived from model data and the geopolitical competition over data, hardware, and models.

The fourth subtheme revolves around “astropolitics,” referring to the
expansion of planetary computation beyond Earth, and “synthetic catallaxy,” denoting computational economics. He sparked a discussion around the definition of intelligence, introducing the term “planetary sapience” to encapsulate the holistic, emergent form of intelligence brought about by these new computational systems.

The seminar concluded with a lively Q&A session, with audience
members engaging Bratton on these complex topics. Overall, the seminar offered a profound exploration of the intersection between computation, geopolitics, and planetary existence, inviting attendees to reconsider their understanding of these domains in light of the ongoing technological transformation.

(Benjamin Bratton)。

布拉顿开场就对“行星级计算” (Planetary Computation) 一词进行了


治地理。布拉顿讨论了“半球堆栈”(Hemispherical Stacks) 这个概念,该概
(Sovereign Data) 这个有争议的话题,即国家主权越来越多地源于模型数据

第四个子主题围绕“太空政治”(Astropolitics) 展开,指的是行星级
计算超越地球的扩展,以及“合成的卡特拉克西”,(Synthetic Catallaxy) 表
(Planetary Sapience) 这个词,来概括由这些新的计算系统产生的整体性、




Summary by Jin Young Lim and Kevin Wei

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About The Berggruen Institute

About The Berggruen Institute

About The Berggruen Institute

About The Berggruen Institute

About The Berggruen Institute

About The Berggruen Institute

The Berggruen Institute’s mission is to develop foundational ideas and shape political, economic, and social institutions for the 21st century. Providing critical analysis using an outwardly expansive and purposeful network, we bring together some of the best minds and most authoritative voices from across cultural and political boundaries to explore fundamental questions of our time. Our objective is enduring impact on the progress and direction of societies around the world.