Geophilosophy of Europe: Europe as a laboratory for the planet
Today’s Europe is no longer at the centre of everything: it is increasingly a marginal space. Today Europeans no longer hold authority over their own history: the history of Europe is also told by other global voices with other perspectives. This situation requires a new philosophy of Europe's place and role, a new geophilosophy at the dawn of planetary politics.The Berggruen Institute Europe is unique in placing the question of Europe’s future in a planetary perspective and adopting the multidisciplinary approach that addressing this complexity requires. Not only understanding, but putting understanding at the service of action. The Geophilosophy of Europe program gathers leading thinkers from across the planet to sketch the new horizon.

October 07th 2024
China, Europe and the future of civilizations, a lecture by professor Wang Hui
Wang Hui - one of China's most influential intellectuals - delivered a keynote lecture on the meanings of modernity in China and in Europe, as the urgent need for bringing civilisations into dialogue requires us to take a richer view of their intellectual histories.
Professor Wang introduced his famous interrelated concepts of trans-systemic society and trans-societal system related to China with the attempt to use it as a mirror for Europe and its future. Under what conditions could Europe become a trans systemic society?