Modernism, Cosmopolitanism, and Universalism

- Date: March 24, 2024
- Location: Casa dei Tre Oci, Venice, Italy
Sunday 24th March
Modernism in Europe and China
Lorenzo Marsili in Conversation with Annie Cohen-Solal and Zhang Xudong
Monday 25th March
Universalism and Cosmopolitanism
Lecture by Zhang Xudong with a response by Annie Cohen-Solal

In connection with the opening of the exhibition Affinità Elettive, the Berggruen Institute Europe hosted conversations and lectures at the Casa dei Tre Oci, inaugurating the institute's program and giving a first taste of the themes that will be explored over the year.
On day one, and starting from a contextualization of the works in the exhibition Affinità Elettive, Annie Cohen Solal and Zhang Xudong addressed the theme of European modernism and "other modernities", notably through an account of the lives and activities of two key figures: the European artist Pablo Picasso and the Chinese writer Lu Xin.

On day two, Zhang Xudong presented a lecture on the question of “Universalism”, one of the leading themes for this year’s program of the Berggruen Institute Europe. Starting from the thesis that “the Universal is always an overstatement of the particular”, and analyzing the issue through concrete examples seen throughout history, Professor Zhang conveyed the need to adopt a "conversational translational model," allowing for an effective dialectic between the narratives of the "particulars."

Photo credits: Massimo Pistore