Kathleen Miles

Kathleen Miles is the executive editor of Noema Magazine. She leads the team that launched Noema both online and in print in the spring of 2020. Based in Los Angeles, Noema is published by the Berggruen Institute.
Previously, as senior editor of The WorldPost, Miles led a team of editors in New York, working closely with Washington Post editors in DC, to publish daily op-eds, features and videos from around the world in The Washington Post. Earlier in New York, Miles worked as an editor and reporter for HuffPost, covering politics, business and the environment. Before HuffPost, she was a news producer on Patt Morrison’s daily public radio program at the NPR affiliate KPCC.
Prior to venturing into journalism, Miles was a district representative for Congressman Adam Schiff; English, History and Humanities teacher with Teach for America; field investigator at the National Labor Relations Board; and political action coordinator for the International Ironworkers during the Kerry presidential campaign. She studied international political economy at U.C. Berkeley and is a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. She can be reached on Twitter at @mileskathleen.