Jens Halfwassen
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jens Halfwassen, born in 1958, studied Philosophy, History, Classics and Education, PhD in 1989 and Habilitation in 1995 at the University of Cologne, after Positions as Heisenberg-Professor of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Munich since 1999 Chair (Ordinarius) of Philosophy and Director of the Philosophy Department at Heidelberg University. Member of the Heidelberg Academy of Letters and Sciences (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften) und of the Academia Platonica Septima Monasteriensis. Meimberg-Prize of the Academy of Letters, Sciences and Arts of Mainz in 2003, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy oft the National University of Athens 2014, Fellow of Collegium Budapest and of Marsilius Kolleg Heidelberg. – The most significant publications are Der Aufstieg zum Einen. Untersuchungen zu Platon und Plotin (1992, second edition 2006), Geist und Selbstbewußtsein. Studien zu Plotin und Numenios (1994), Hegel und der spätantike Neuplatonismus (1999, second edition in 2005). Plotin und der Neuplatonismus , 2004 ( Plotinus and the Neoplatonism . Translated by Carl Sean O’Brien. The English version will be published by Cambridge University Press). The newest book is Auf den Spuren des Einen. Aufsätze zur Metaphysik und ihrer Geschichte , forthcoming 2015. Numerous essays and articles about ancient, medieval and idealistic philosophy (e.g. about Xenophanes, Parmenides, Plato, Speusippus, Aristotle, Plotinus, Proclus, Dionysius Areopagita, Eriugena, Anselmus of Canterbury, Master Eckhart, Nicolaus Cusanus, Hegel, Schelling).