Fabrizio Tassinari

Fabrizio Tassinari is the founding Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, in Florence, Italy, a flagship initiative of the European Union.
Prior to that, Tassinari served as Head of Foreign Policy Studies at the Danish Institute for International Studies, the Danish government’s independent research institution on foreign affairs. A recipient of a German government’s Alexander von Humboldt career award, he is an Adjunct Professor of comparative politics at Humboldt University in Berlin.
Tassinari has researched and published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes on issues of international security and foreign policy analysis, with an empirical focus on the wider Europe and its surrounding regions. He is the author of Why Europe Fears its Neighbors (Praeger) and a regular columnist and commentator in international media, including such as the Financial Times, the Washington Post, Le Figaro and Die Welt.
Tassinari was a BI fellow already in 2020/2021 during which time he contributed to Noema and published his new book: The Pursuit of Governance: Nordic Dispatches on a New Middle Way (in English by CUP/Agenda and in Italian by Rubbettino). He is also a Council member of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and a board member of the Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI). During his present BI fellowship, he will work out of the institute’s new outpost in Venice to help shape BI Europe’s engagement with European and Italian institutions.