Los Angeles

Our Los Angeles center works to develop and encourage new ideas for a changing world and to propose practical thinking that can transform society—and humanity—for the better. Located on the Pacific coast, we hope to advance the position of Los Angeles as a world center for ideas, linking the East to the West. The historic Bradbury Building, houses the BI’s research activities and is a unique gathering space for intellectual exchange, academic symposia, workshops, salons, and lectures.

Featured News

Photo of Jane Fonda and Dr. Naomi Oreskes

A Conversation on Climate Change and Activism with Jane Fonda and Dr. Naomi Oreskes

Barcelona y Bogotá: ¿Cuál es la ciudad más democrática del mundo?

Barcelona vs. Bogota: What Is the World's Most Democratic City?

Public Equity Stakes Cover

Public Equity Stakes in U.S. Economic Policymaking

Embodiment Graphic

Embodiment & Intelligence

photo of Patricia Hill Collins

El País: Patricia Hill Collins, sociologist: ‘Intellectuals have done a good job of saying the world is awful, and young people are dispirited’

Fiction and Futures

Vaster Than Empires Program

“We Might Appear as Forest Fires,” Curator’s Statement

“What is Collective Intelligence?”

“Vaster than Empires” by CROSSLUCID

"We Might Appear As Forest Fires" Performance

Chapter 4: Future Technê Summit - FORMING INTELLIGENCE, video thumbnail

Chapter 4: Future Technê Summit - FORMING INTELLIGENCE

Chapter 3: Narrating the Future, video thumbnail

Chapter 3: Narrating the Future

Chapter 2: Ipseity, video thumbnail

Chapter 2: Ipseity

Chapter 1: Air Age Blueprint, video thumbnail

Chapter 1: Air Age Blueprint

Possible Worlds: Climate Emergency and the Future of Democracy

JFI and Berggruen Institute Report: Public Bank Could Finance Over 17,000 Affordable Homes in Los Angeles

Institutions Release Report Outlining Approach for a LA City-Owned Bank

A Berggruen Institute Salon Featuring Pankaj Mishra

A Berggruen Institute Salon Featuring Lea Ypi